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American Historical Association Meeting (AHA 2024)

History Meets Computation: A Case Study of Computational Text Analysis on 18th-Century Ottoman Court Histories

Briefly put, the poster focused on topic modelling on 4 court histories from the 18th and 19th centuries, covering primarily the period from the 1750s through early 1800s. These histories were acquired from scholarly editions and theses, which can be found in the bibliography below. I segmented them following the internal divisions of the texts, first dividing them by year and second by the subheadings. I preprocessed these text segments to clear stopwords and normalize words, removing inflections through a customized stemming algorithm and further rule-based text cleaning. I used Gensim’s LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) to extract 50 topics. Text segments, both in original and in preprocessed version and the topics that are matched to those segments with their probabilities can be found here.

Topic Models

In this section below you can find more details about the 10 topics directly referenced in the poster. I provided below the original word cloud, its English translation, and the probabilities associated with the words in each topic. Words and probabilities for all 50 topics can be found here.

You scroll down this page to see the topics in sequential order or can use these links to navigate on the page.

  1. Topic 2
  2. Topic 12
  3. Topic 14
  4. Topic 15
  5. Topic 18
  6. Topic 21
  7. Topic 22
  8. Topic 35
  9. Topic 36
  10. Topic 49

Topic 2

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 2 English Word Cloud Topic 2

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
ordu military 0.013103897
hazret excellency 0.01254922
serdar commander-in-chief 0.0099619655
ekre big* 0.009035178
mahal place 0.008802253
canip side 0.008130293
din religion 0.007580292
meşta winter 0.0060636112
şerif şerif 0.0056301844
emr order 0.00505439
asakir soldiers 0.0049434616
ocak [janissary] core 0.0047960132
sadrazam grand vizier 0.004566391
ahali people 0.004451944
tahrir writing 0.0044211755
meclis council 0.0043714154
vakt time 0.0041128625
kasaba town 0.004078739
şair poet 0.0040187873
mukaddem preceding 0.00386916

Topic 12

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 12 English Word Cloud Topic 12

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
devlet state 0.03876911
aliyye sublime 0.03283175
rusya russia 0.029672591
madde article 0.025039366
reaya subjects 0.015861385
sefine ships 0.015506816
tüccar merchant 0.013883156
memalik states 0.013038843
zikr mention 0.010118667
ticaret trade 0.008739314
mahal place 0.007867092
olunma being 0.0074963016
eşya object 0.0071721384
dürl roll* 0.007037544
gemi ship 0.0066517983
sefain ships 0.006245379
emtia commodities 0.0061913524
ahidname treaty 0.0061222455
cüml collective 0.0057454477
konsolos ambassador 0.005436531

Topic 14

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 14 English Word Cloud Topic 14

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
elçi envoy 0.050220393
devlet state 0.02200623
nemçe austria 0.021864299
aliyye sublime 0.01972226
name writ 0.015677154
divan divan 0.014308971
rusya russia 0.0132787675
eflak wallachia 0.010578695
boğdan moldova 0.01054267
takdim present 0.0070614293
madde article 0.006920135
devl state* 0.0067230943
voyvoda voivode 0.006604344
voyvo voivode* 0.00652643
françe france 0.006263949
ocak guild 0.0059252996
akd agreement 0.0056805653
ali ali 0.0054255393
konsolos ambassador 0.0053069764
akdem previous 0.005306057

Topic 15

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 15 English Word Cloud Topic 15

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
mısır egypt 0.07679066
bey bey 0.04401179
ümera emirs 0.024421562
kapu kapu 0.01741654
mısriyye egyptian 0.014487155
ibrahim ibrahim 0.013527957
murad murad 0.012534956
surre surre 0.011317682
sene year 0.008648944
ahali people 0.008559018
vali governor 0.008500478
hac hajj 0.008236179
irsal sending 0.0072068265
haremeyn holy cities 0.006445576
asker soldier 0.005855334
ismail ismail 0.0056592342
mir mir 0.0055471836
azimet passage 0.0054377443
urban arabs 0.0053828824
tüccar merchant 0.0052078157

Topic 18

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 18 English Word Cloud Topic 18

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
asker soldier 0.024101831
ordu military 0.013715307
düşmen enemy 0.01076871
mahal place 0.008583607
sayir observer 0.0068993713
kala fortification 0.0066033727
serasker serasker 0.005685715
adem man 0.005182398
serdar commander-in-chief 0.00513556
han khan 0.0048345397
islam islam 0.0045238035
tayin appointment 0.0044957832
hal condition 0.0043301214
ceng war 0.004272922
azimet passage 0.0040059546
ekre big* 0.0039833365
karş opposite* 0.0038490442
mikdar amount 0.0036928547
emr order 0.0036706885
ağa agha 0.0035440796

Topic 21

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 21 English Word Cloud Topic 21

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
kral king 0.06196094
imparator emperor 0.04018882
prusya prussia 0.026708229
fransa france 0.021361927
avusturya austria 0.02095725
sefir envoys 0.013866636
efkar ideas 0.013589741
tercüme translation 0.012620539
devlet state 0.012364144
yazılan written 0.011713989
mumaileyh mentioned 0.011476178
halde in this condition 0.010847824
icra execution 0.010592889
talima instruction 0.01020762
ızhar reveal 0.0093351435
miyane between 0.009258929
seniyye imperial 0.008988018
ingiltere england 0.008906899
ittifak alliance 0.008753561
tarih history 0.00861064

Topic 22

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 22 English Word Cloud Topic 22

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
devlet state 0.029173242
murahhas delegate 0.023091683
aliyye sublime 0.021456966
rusya russia 0.020170068
leh polish 0.018115774
mum mentioned* 0.011579619
mütarek truce* 0.01154114
tarafeyn two sides 0.011015614
moskov moscow 0.009627985
mükaleme parley 0.009132737
mütareke truce 0.008596996
mükalem parley* 0.0084166415
madde article 0.0077832374
sulh peace 0.007687046
devleteyn romanian principalities 0.0072544864
mevadd articles 0.0063503976
tahrir writing 0.006284845
musalah peace 0.006087658
saltanat reign 0.0059847296
mahal place 0.0059729395

Topic 35

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 35 English Word Cloud Topic 35

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
kırım crimea 0.060367793
giray giray 0.035838127
han khan 0.028440729
tatar tatar 0.023365656
rusya russia 0.019349718
şahin şahin 0.017983563
devlet state 0.016926344
aliyye sublime 0.011634736
asker soldier 0.0108875185
ahali people 0.007995488
gira giray* 0.0072604464
hanlık khanate 0.006630069
taman taman 0.005328948
tahrir writing 0.0051183193
kabail tribes 0.0049417866
canip side 0.004913694
irsal sending 0.004827228
intihab selection 0.004594982
mahal place 0.004519427
mahzar preparation 0.004426206

Topic 36

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 36 English Word Cloud Topic 36

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
hazret excellency 0.020669926
şadr vizirate* 0.011470882
şehr city 0.011432505
şah shah 0.0104780765
pad sultan* 0.010428913
aza aza 0.00807154
cenab god 0.005757809
cihan world 0.005262657
dar in 0.0051153763
saray palace 0.0050351555
gah in 0.0048315967
huzur peace 0.0046914984
enam creatures 0.0045380592
ağa agha 0.004326169
islam islam 0.0043083266
mahal place 0.0042961473
mülukane mülukane 0.004206881
ser head 0.0041008857
şadaret vizirate 0.004035752
mehmed mehmed 0.003921494

Topic 49

Word Clouds

Word Cloud Topic 49 English Word Cloud Topic 49

Words, Translations, Probabilities

Word English Word Probability
devlet state 0.035928473
aliyye sublime 0.021204332
rusya russia 0.019234963
suret copy 0.010348458
madde article 0.010103538
sene year 0.008661004
kırım crimea 0.007026075
devl state* 0.006700761
alliance in this condition 0.005560158
ittifak ittifak 0.005543521
beyan declaration 0.0050624893
elçi envoy 0.005026848
lazım necessary 0.0049605784
takrir report 0.004184381
vakit time 0.004053696
nemçe austria 0.0038112497
hal condition 0.0037401144
meclis council 0.0037111714
nizam order 0.003665579
reis chief 0.0035061035


Primary Sources

Ahmed Cevdet Paşa. Târîh-i Cevdet, vols 1, 2, 3. 2nd ed. İstanbul: Matbaa-I Osmâniyye, 1892. In M. İpşirli. “Ahmed Cevdet Paşa. Târîh-i Cevdet.” Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2018. Ahmed Resmi Efendi. Hulâsatüʼl-iʻtibâr. [manuscript, 1783]. In E. Menchinger. “Hulâsatüʼl-iʻtibâr = A Summary of Admonitions: A Chronicle of the 1768-1774 Russian-Ottoman War.” İstanbul: Isis Press, 2011. Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi. Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakāʼiku’l-Ahbâr, 1752-1774. [manuscript, 1787]. In N. Sağlam. “Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi ve Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakāʼiku’l-Ahbâr’ı.” [dissertation, 2014]. Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi. Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakāʼiku’l-Ahbâr, 1774-1779. [manuscript, 1787]. In Mücteba İlgürel. “Ahmed Vasıf Efendi Mehâsînü’l – Âsâr ve Hakâikü’l – Ahbâr 1774-1779 (H. 1188- 1193).” Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2014. Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi. Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakāʼiku’l-Ahbâr, 1782-1787. [manuscript, 1787]. In Mücteba İlgürel. “Ahmed Vasıf Efendi Mehâsînü’l – Âsâr ve Hakâikü’l – Ahbâr.” Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1994. Enveri Sadullah Efendi. Tarih-i Enveri I, 1768-1774. [manuscript, 1775]. In M. S. Çalışkan. “(Vekayi’nüvis) Enveri Sadullah Efendi ve Tarihinin I . Cildi’nin Metin ve Tahlili (1182 - 1188 /1768 - 1774).” [dissertation, 2000]. Enveri Sadullah Efendi. Tarih-i Enveri II, 1774-1783. [manuscript, 1783]. In H. Çiçek. “(Vekāyiʻnüvis) Sadullah Enverî Efendi ve Tarihi’nin II. Cildinin Metin Ve Tahlili (1187–1197/1774–1783).” [dissertation, 2018]. Enveri Sadullah Efendi. Tarih-i Enveri, 1786-1792. [manuscript, 1794]. In Ü.F.Bayram. “Enverî Târîhi: Üçüncü Cild (Metin Ve Değerlendirme).” [dissertation, 2014]. Nuri For comparison: Ahmed Câvid Bey. Müntehabât. [manuscript, 1802]. Transcribed and analyzed by Adnan Baycar. “Ahmed Câvid Bey’in Müntehabâtı (Tahlil ve Tenkitli Metin).” [dissertation, 1999].