Briefly put, the poster focused on topic modelling on 4 court histories from the 18th and 19th centuries, covering primarily the period from the 1750s through early 1800s. These histories were acquired from scholarly editions and theses, which can be found in the bibliography below. I segmented them following the internal divisions of the texts, first dividing them by year and second by the subheadings. I preprocessed these text segments to clear stopwords and normalize words, removing inflections through a customized stemming algorithm and further rule-based text cleaning. I used Gensim’s LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) to extract 50 topics. Text segments, both in original and in preprocessed version and the topics that are matched to those segments with their probabilities can be found here.
Topic Models
In this section below you can find more details about the 10 topics directly referenced in the poster. I provided below the original word cloud, its English translation, and the probabilities associated with the words in each topic. Words and probabilities for all 50 topics can be found here.
You scroll down this page to see the topics in sequential order or can use these links to navigate on the page.
Topic 2
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
ordu | military | 0.013103897 |
hazret | excellency | 0.01254922 |
serdar | commander-in-chief | 0.0099619655 |
ekre | big* | 0.009035178 |
mahal | place | 0.008802253 |
canip | side | 0.008130293 |
din | religion | 0.007580292 |
meşta | winter | 0.0060636112 |
şerif | şerif | 0.0056301844 |
emr | order | 0.00505439 |
asakir | soldiers | 0.0049434616 |
ocak | [janissary] core | 0.0047960132 |
sadrazam | grand vizier | 0.004566391 |
ahali | people | 0.004451944 |
tahrir | writing | 0.0044211755 |
meclis | council | 0.0043714154 |
vakt | time | 0.0041128625 |
kasaba | town | 0.004078739 |
şair | poet | 0.0040187873 |
mukaddem | preceding | 0.00386916 |
Topic 12
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
devlet | state | 0.03876911 |
aliyye | sublime | 0.03283175 |
rusya | russia | 0.029672591 |
madde | article | 0.025039366 |
reaya | subjects | 0.015861385 |
sefine | ships | 0.015506816 |
tüccar | merchant | 0.013883156 |
memalik | states | 0.013038843 |
zikr | mention | 0.010118667 |
ticaret | trade | 0.008739314 |
mahal | place | 0.007867092 |
olunma | being | 0.0074963016 |
eşya | object | 0.0071721384 |
dürl | roll* | 0.007037544 |
gemi | ship | 0.0066517983 |
sefain | ships | 0.006245379 |
emtia | commodities | 0.0061913524 |
ahidname | treaty | 0.0061222455 |
cüml | collective | 0.0057454477 |
konsolos | ambassador | 0.005436531 |
Topic 14
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
elçi | envoy | 0.050220393 |
devlet | state | 0.02200623 |
nemçe | austria | 0.021864299 |
aliyye | sublime | 0.01972226 |
name | writ | 0.015677154 |
divan | divan | 0.014308971 |
rusya | russia | 0.0132787675 |
eflak | wallachia | 0.010578695 |
boğdan | moldova | 0.01054267 |
takdim | present | 0.0070614293 |
madde | article | 0.006920135 |
devl | state* | 0.0067230943 |
voyvoda | voivode | 0.006604344 |
voyvo | voivode* | 0.00652643 |
françe | france | 0.006263949 |
ocak | guild | 0.0059252996 |
akd | agreement | 0.0056805653 |
ali | ali | 0.0054255393 |
konsolos | ambassador | 0.0053069764 |
akdem | previous | 0.005306057 |
Topic 15
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
mısır | egypt | 0.07679066 |
bey | bey | 0.04401179 |
ümera | emirs | 0.024421562 |
kapu | kapu | 0.01741654 |
mısriyye | egyptian | 0.014487155 |
ibrahim | ibrahim | 0.013527957 |
murad | murad | 0.012534956 |
surre | surre | 0.011317682 |
sene | year | 0.008648944 |
ahali | people | 0.008559018 |
vali | governor | 0.008500478 |
hac | hajj | 0.008236179 |
irsal | sending | 0.0072068265 |
haremeyn | holy cities | 0.006445576 |
asker | soldier | 0.005855334 |
ismail | ismail | 0.0056592342 |
mir | mir | 0.0055471836 |
azimet | passage | 0.0054377443 |
urban | arabs | 0.0053828824 |
tüccar | merchant | 0.0052078157 |
Topic 18
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
asker | soldier | 0.024101831 |
ordu | military | 0.013715307 |
düşmen | enemy | 0.01076871 |
mahal | place | 0.008583607 |
sayir | observer | 0.0068993713 |
kala | fortification | 0.0066033727 |
serasker | serasker | 0.005685715 |
adem | man | 0.005182398 |
serdar | commander-in-chief | 0.00513556 |
han | khan | 0.0048345397 |
islam | islam | 0.0045238035 |
tayin | appointment | 0.0044957832 |
hal | condition | 0.0043301214 |
ceng | war | 0.004272922 |
azimet | passage | 0.0040059546 |
ekre | big* | 0.0039833365 |
karş | opposite* | 0.0038490442 |
mikdar | amount | 0.0036928547 |
emr | order | 0.0036706885 |
ağa | agha | 0.0035440796 |
Topic 21
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
kral | king | 0.06196094 |
imparator | emperor | 0.04018882 |
prusya | prussia | 0.026708229 |
fransa | france | 0.021361927 |
avusturya | austria | 0.02095725 |
sefir | envoys | 0.013866636 |
efkar | ideas | 0.013589741 |
tercüme | translation | 0.012620539 |
devlet | state | 0.012364144 |
yazılan | written | 0.011713989 |
mumaileyh | mentioned | 0.011476178 |
halde | in this condition | 0.010847824 |
icra | execution | 0.010592889 |
talima | instruction | 0.01020762 |
ızhar | reveal | 0.0093351435 |
miyane | between | 0.009258929 |
seniyye | imperial | 0.008988018 |
ingiltere | england | 0.008906899 |
ittifak | alliance | 0.008753561 |
tarih | history | 0.00861064 |
Topic 22
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
devlet | state | 0.029173242 |
murahhas | delegate | 0.023091683 |
aliyye | sublime | 0.021456966 |
rusya | russia | 0.020170068 |
leh | polish | 0.018115774 |
mum | mentioned* | 0.011579619 |
mütarek | truce* | 0.01154114 |
tarafeyn | two sides | 0.011015614 |
moskov | moscow | 0.009627985 |
mükaleme | parley | 0.009132737 |
mütareke | truce | 0.008596996 |
mükalem | parley* | 0.0084166415 |
madde | article | 0.0077832374 |
sulh | peace | 0.007687046 |
devleteyn | romanian principalities | 0.0072544864 |
mevadd | articles | 0.0063503976 |
tahrir | writing | 0.006284845 |
musalah | peace | 0.006087658 |
saltanat | reign | 0.0059847296 |
mahal | place | 0.0059729395 |
Topic 35
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
kırım | crimea | 0.060367793 |
giray | giray | 0.035838127 |
han | khan | 0.028440729 |
tatar | tatar | 0.023365656 |
rusya | russia | 0.019349718 |
şahin | şahin | 0.017983563 |
devlet | state | 0.016926344 |
aliyye | sublime | 0.011634736 |
asker | soldier | 0.0108875185 |
ahali | people | 0.007995488 |
gira | giray* | 0.0072604464 |
hanlık | khanate | 0.006630069 |
taman | taman | 0.005328948 |
tahrir | writing | 0.0051183193 |
kabail | tribes | 0.0049417866 |
canip | side | 0.004913694 |
irsal | sending | 0.004827228 |
intihab | selection | 0.004594982 |
mahal | place | 0.004519427 |
mahzar | preparation | 0.004426206 |
Topic 36
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
hazret | excellency | 0.020669926 |
şadr | vizirate* | 0.011470882 |
şehr | city | 0.011432505 |
şah | shah | 0.0104780765 |
pad | sultan* | 0.010428913 |
aza | aza | 0.00807154 |
cenab | god | 0.005757809 |
cihan | world | 0.005262657 |
dar | in | 0.0051153763 |
saray | palace | 0.0050351555 |
gah | in | 0.0048315967 |
huzur | peace | 0.0046914984 |
enam | creatures | 0.0045380592 |
ağa | agha | 0.004326169 |
islam | islam | 0.0043083266 |
mahal | place | 0.0042961473 |
mülukane | mülukane | 0.004206881 |
ser | head | 0.0041008857 |
şadaret | vizirate | 0.004035752 |
mehmed | mehmed | 0.003921494 |
Topic 49
Word Clouds
Words, Translations, Probabilities
Word | English Word | Probability |
devlet | state | 0.035928473 |
aliyye | sublime | 0.021204332 |
rusya | russia | 0.019234963 |
suret | copy | 0.010348458 |
madde | article | 0.010103538 |
sene | year | 0.008661004 |
kırım | crimea | 0.007026075 |
devl | state* | 0.006700761 |
alliance | in this condition | 0.005560158 |
ittifak | ittifak | 0.005543521 |
beyan | declaration | 0.0050624893 |
elçi | envoy | 0.005026848 |
lazım | necessary | 0.0049605784 |
takrir | report | 0.004184381 |
vakit | time | 0.004053696 |
nemçe | austria | 0.0038112497 |
hal | condition | 0.0037401144 |
meclis | council | 0.0037111714 |
nizam | order | 0.003665579 |
reis | chief | 0.0035061035 |
Primary Sources
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